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Your essential resource for discovering and accessing funding to support animal welfare, conservation, and community initiatives.
Whether you're a nonprofit organization, a community group, or an individual working to make a difference, we connect you with grant opportunities that can help bring your mission to life.

Elmina B. Sewall Foundation

The Sewall Foundation provides grants to our nonprofit partners through our Healthy People Healthy Places, Animal Welfare, Legacy, and Rapid Response program areas. Additionally, Sewall is committed to deploying our assets in support of our mission and values through impact investments.

Maine Community Foundation

Founded in 1983, the Maine Community Foundation brings people and resources together to build a better Maine through strategic giving, community leadership, personalized service, local expertise and strong investments. We offer a range of giving options tailored to fit each donor’s financial means and charitable objectives. Our staff provides personalized service, community leadership, and a deep understanding of local issues.


The ASPCA is one of the nation’s largest animal welfare grant makers, providing support to organizations and programs that further our mission to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. We believe that giving grants to other animal welfare organizations is vital to our work and advancing the collective goals of the animal welfare community. Since 2001, we have given more than $200 million in grants to over 3,500 animal shelters, municipal and governmental agencies, rescue groups, universities and other mission-aligned organizations and programs nationwide.

Stephen & Tabitha King Foundation

The Stephen & Tabitha King Foundation was created because its founders wanted to give back to their communities. The foundation will strive to fulfill its mission with respect, integrity, and consideration. Persons working for the foundation may not sit on the board of organizations applying for funding, nor may they receive gifts or services from organizations applying for funding. Grant decisions are made by the foundation in its sole discretion and are not subject to review or appeal. The foundation has absolutely no obligation whatsoever to any particular applicant.

United Spay Alliance

United Spay Alliance is proud to offer Community Cats Grants to support spay/neuter programs for community cats. Formerly managed by Community Cats Podcast, the Community Cats Grants program was designed to help small organizations build their fundraising capacity to help even more cats. Grants are targeted toward grassroots TNR groups, rescue organizations, and low-cost spay/neuter providers.

Grant Watch

Grants to schools, nonprofits and habitat preservation organizations for animal welfare, preservation of endangered species, equine therapy, emotional support animals and classroom pet grants for teachers.

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Grant Writing 101: What is it & how do you get started?

Check out this amazing article for a crash course in grant writing that covers everything you need to know to start approaching grant writing like a boss!